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Location | Southern California Hip Institute | North Hollywood | Glendale Burbank | Encino | Sherman Oaks | Van Nuys
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IT Band Syndrome Causes

IT band refers to a thick fiber bunch that goes from the outside of the hips to the outside of the thigh and knee down to the upper portion of the shinbone. If the 518450fb 183e 45a1 8f4b 7bf3e7fe5fc3 300x186 - IT Band Syndrome CausesIT band becomes excessively tight, it can cause inflammation and pain around the knee. In most cases, the condition can be resolved without orthopedic surgery.

Southern California Hip Institute (SCHI), led by board certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Tigran Garabekyan, provides treatment for the hip and knee to patients in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, and surrounding locations in this part of the southwest.

Who Gets It?

There are many factors which can increase the risk of a person developing IT band syndrome. While the patient can prevent some of these factors, they do not have control over others.

  • Not utilizing appropriate training techniques
  • Not undertaking proper warm up and cool down techniques
  • Exercising excessively for an extended duration
  • Not allowing the body sufficient rest between workout sessions
  • Wearing shoes that are worn out
  • Training or running on the wrong surfaces
  • Running downhill

Causes for the Development of IT Band Syndrome

  1.  Overuse

In technical terms, the IT band syndrome is an injury caused by overuse. However, this is a misleading classification as there are various other factors that lead to this condition as well.

Regardless, approaching IT band syndrome as an overuse injury is a vital initial step towards recovery. The patient may need to alter their training schedule as well as undertake icing and resting for some days. This can aid in avoiding repetition.

Patients should consider that overuse us typically one of the reasons for the development of the IT band syndrome. There are typically various other reasons that may lead to the knee pain. Therefore, the patient may need additional interventions.

  1.  Tight Tissues

A key cause leading to IT band syndrome is tight muscles in the hip or along the leg. These tissues are interconnected. This means that despite the pain being felt in the knee, the hips may be the site that requires medical attention.

  1.  Weak Hip Muscles

Stanford researchers have found that weak muscles in the hips can be a key reason for people developing the IT band syndrome. Weak hip muscles tend to cause a breakdown in the running form which puts a strain on the knee tissues. The patient can strengthen the most frequently impacted muscles by following the exercises that the doctor recommends.

  1.  Inappropriate Running Form

At times, resolving IT band syndrome involves making simple changes in the way the patient runs. Engaging a professional to assess the running gait can throw up issues that the patient never noticed. Common problems that cause poor running form are over-striding (taking excessively long steps) as well as strides that cross the body’s midline.

These running mistakes are easily noticeable and can even be identified by an experienced runner. But sometimes there may be a more subtle breakdown in the form which may require video gait analysis.

Dedicated orthopedic surgeon Dr. Tigran Garabekyan receives patients from North Hollywood, Los Angeles, and other towns and cities across the horizon for various orthopedic surgery procedures.

Dr. Tigran Garabekyan is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in hip preservation. To learn more about Southern California Hip Institute or to schedule a consultation, click here to contact us or call:

Century City / Los Angeles: 310.595.1030

Serving patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, West Hollywood, Century City, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, and other neighboring cities in the greater Los Angeles, California area.

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2901 Wilshire Blvd
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Santa Monica, CA, 90403
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