Recovery following hip tendonitis treatment or orthopedic surgery will usually involve physical therapy. Physical therapists are professionals with the education and training to enable them to perform interventions.
Skilled and purposeful use of physical therapy methods and techniques can help generate changes that are aligned with the diagnosis, prognosis, and the patient’s objectives.
Southern California Hip Institute (SCHI), led by dependable board certified orthopedic surgeon Dr. Tigran Garabekyan, provides safe and proven treatments for the hip, knee, and shoulder to patients in Los Angeles, Century City, CA, and other communities and suburbs in this region of California.
Role of a Physical Therapist during Recovery
The physical therapist will undertake a detailed assessment and determine the following:
Tendon: The physical therapist will perform a series of tests to understand which tendon is affected.
Strength: In order to determine whether there are any associated weakness or strength imbalances, the physical therapist will perform resisted testing.
Flexibility: Poor mechanics and weakness can occur due to tight muscles which may create imbalances rendering the hip more prone to tendonitis.
Technique: The way people perform motions while undertaking certain activities such as running, jumping, cycling, or rowing may lead to a problem. The patient should discuss and observe the activities they participate in, and that may have initiated the problem in order to improve technique.
Training: The patient should review their training program and focus on any sudden changes that may have aggravated or caused hip tendonitis.
Alignment or Footwear: A physical therapist will determine the length of the leg, foot mechanics and alignment to detect any imbalances. An important part of balancing the pressure on the legs and body is checking for suitable footwear.
Scientifically Managed Recovery
At the outset, physical therapy for hip tendonitis must be conservative to avoid worsening the condition. The focus of the therapy will be on rest, reducing swelling, and enhancing blood circulation for healing.
After the initial swelling subsides, the physical therapist will initiate a program of strengthening and stretching exercises to restore flexibility to the affected muscles and enhance strength to reduce pressure on the hip and tendons.
It may also be necessary to tape or strap the affected tendon to rest it and reduce the pressure on it. A physical therapist is trained in specific techniques of taping.
Exercises for Full Recovery
The below mentioned exercise and tips may be helpful in recovering fully from hip flexor tendonitis:
- Adjusting the seat height to enable the hips to hit higher than the knees preventing “hip pinching.”
- Maintaining a strong, flexible hips and core
- Discussing the correct form with the trainer to avoid muscle compensation
- Muscle strengthening in its shortened and lengthened state
Hip Flexor Stretch
- Kneel on one knee with the hip behind the knee
- Tuck the tailbone beneath you
- Ensure that the back is straight as you move your body forward
- Stop at the point where the upper thigh feels stretched
- Hold this position for 30 seconds
- Do two repetitions
Hip Flexion All-Fours
- Tie a resistance tube to a pole and the other end to your ankle
- Position yourself on all fours and bring the knee into the chest
- Ensure that the back is straight
- Return the foot slowly to the initial position
- Feel resistance both ways
- Perform two sets of ten repetitions on each leg
Hip Extension
- Lie down with a fitness ball beneath your stomach
- Squeeze your buttock and lift the leg up to your trunk
- Hold this position for three seconds
- Perform two sets of ten repetitions on each leg
Side-Lying Hip Abduction
- Lie on your side, stacking hips and back to a wall
- Keep the foot against the wall while lifting the leg up
- Hold this position for three seconds before lowering
- Perform two sets of ten repetitions on each leg
Before starting an exercise program, the patient should consult with their physician. Experienced orthopedic surgeon Dr. Garabekyan receives patients from Los Angeles, Century City, CA, and other towns and neighborhoods in this part of the US for hip, knee, and shoulder treatments.
Dr. Tigran Garabekyan is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in hip preservation. To learn more about Southern California Hip Institute or to schedule a consultation, click here to contact us or call:
Century City / Los Angeles: 310.595.1030
Serving patients in Encino, Sherman Oaks, Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, West Hollywood, Century City, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Los Angeles, and other neighboring cities in the greater Los Angeles, California area.
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